how is an electron related to atomic mass

how is an isoptope related to mass number

I truly do not understadn how they are realted any help

how is an electron related to atomic mass?

Electrons are less than 1/1000 of the mass of an atom. When atomic mass is measured, it includes the small mass of the electrons.

how is an isotope related to mass number ?
I believe I answered that question already, in response to another of your posts. Different isotopes of the same element have different numbers of neutrons, but the same number of protons. The atomic mass number of an isotope is very nearly equal to the total number of protons and neutrons. There are small differences from that rule, however, due to the presence of electrons and differences in nuclear binding energy, which is the source of nuclear power.

If you don't understand the last sentence, never mind. You will probably learn about that later.

An electron is a subatomic particle that carries a negative charge and is found outside the nucleus of an atom. It is much smaller in mass compared to the protons and neutrons found in the nucleus. Atomic mass, on the other hand, refers to the mass of an atom, which is essentially the sum of the masses of its protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Electrons contribute very little to the overall mass of an atom because their mass is almost negligible. In fact, the mass of an electron is about 1/1836th the mass of a proton or neutron. Therefore, when calculating atomic mass, the contribution from the electrons is typically ignored since it is very small in comparison to the masses of the protons and neutrons.

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons. The mass number of an isotope is the sum of its protons and neutrons.

For example, let's consider carbon. Carbon normally has 6 protons, but the number of neutrons can vary. Carbon-12 is the most common isotope and has 6 neutrons, resulting in a mass number of 12. Carbon-13 has 7 neutrons and a mass number of 13, while Carbon-14 has 8 neutrons and a mass number of 14.

So, in summary:
- The electron's relation to atomic mass is minimal and generally not considered in calculations.
- Isotopes are related to mass number as the mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons and varies for different isotopes of an element.