One card is selected from a deck of cards. Find the probability of selecting a red card or a heart

How many red cards are in a full deck of 52? How many hearts? Look at a deck and count them if you have to.

Take the ratios (reds)/52 and (hearts)/52

26/52 * 13/52

To find the probability of selecting a red card or a heart, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes and the total number of possible outcomes.

Number of favorable outcomes:
- There are 26 red cards in a standard deck (13 hearts and 13 diamonds).
- As the question states that we need to select a red card or a heart, we count each of the 26 red cards only once.

Total number of possible outcomes:
- A standard deck of cards has 52 cards.

Therefore, the probability of selecting a red card or a heart is:

Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes = 26 / 52 = 1/2

So, the probability of selecting a red card or a heart is 1/2, which can also be expressed as 0.5 or 50%.

To find the probability of selecting a red card or a heart, we first need to determine the total number of cards that fulfill this condition and the total number of cards in the deck.

A standard deck of cards contains 52 cards. Out of these, there are 26 red cards (13 hearts and 13 diamonds) and 13 hearts.

However, we need to be careful not to double count the hearts that are red, as they satisfy both conditions (red card and heart). Therefore, we need to subtract the number of red hearts (red suits with a heart symbol) - which is just the 13 hearts - once from the total count.

So, the total number of cards that are either red or heart is given by 26 (red cards) + 13 (hearts) - 13 (red hearts) = 26 + 13 - 13 = 26.

Therefore, the probability of selecting a red card or a heart is 26/52, which simplifies to 1/2, or 0.5.

In conclusion, the probability of selecting a red card or a heart from a standard deck of cards is 1/2 or 0.5.