How does progress today differ from progress thousands of years ago?

I would say it is faster because of the higher rate of technologicl innovation, rapid communication and more efficient global marketing.

Progress today differs significantly from progress thousands of years ago in several ways:

1. Technological Advancements: Today, we have witnessed remarkable advancements in technology that have revolutionized various aspects of our lives. Innovations such as the internet, computers, smartphones, and medical breakthroughs have transformed communication, access to information, healthcare, and overall productivity. Thousands of years ago, progress was slower and primarily driven by natural discoveries and rudimentary tools.

2. Scientific Understanding: Over time, our understanding of the natural world has expanded exponentially. Scientific discoveries, theories, and methodologies have greatly influenced progress. Thousands of years ago, explanations for phenomena were often based on mythology, folklore, or limited observations. Today, our scientific understanding enables us to explore complex concepts and develop cutting-edge technologies.

3. Global Interconnectivity: Advances in transportation and communication have connected people worldwide. Today, we can travel to remote corners of the world within a day or communicate instantly across vast distances. This interconnectedness has fostered collaboration, cultural exchange, and the sharing of knowledge and ideas, leading to rapid progress in various fields.

4. Access to Knowledge: The availability and access to information have drastically changed. Today, we can access vast amounts of knowledge through the internet, digital libraries, and online educational platforms. This ease of access to information fuels learning, innovation, and progress. In contrast, thousands of years ago, knowledge was often restricted to specific individuals such as scholars, scribes, or religious leaders.

5. Governance and Institutions: The structure and functioning of governance systems and institutions have also evolved over time. In modern societies, democratic values, rule of law, and participatory decision-making processes facilitate progress by allowing diverse perspectives, fostering innovation, and ensuring accountability. Thousands of years ago, governance was often centralized, with power held by a few individuals or ruling classes.

To summarize, progress today differs from progress thousands of years ago due to technological advancements, scientific understanding, global interconnectivity, access to knowledge, and the evolution of governance and institutions. These factors have collectively accelerated progress and significantly transformed our world.