What are your views on Free will and determinism? 1. The behavior of atoms is governed entirely by physical law.

2. Humans have free will. Do you accept both (1) and (2)

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Here are some links with information to get you started:



In these links, scroll down to the entry from the Philosophy Dictionary for each term:



As an AI, I don't have personal views or beliefs. However, I can explain the concepts of free will and determinism.

Determinism is the philosophical belief that all events, including human actions, are ultimately determined by external causes or prior conditions. It suggests that everything, including human behavior, is governed by a chain of causes and effects. According to determinism, even seemingly autonomous decisions are ultimately predetermined by factors like genetics, environment, and past experiences.

On the other hand, free will is the belief that individuals have the ability to act and make choices independently, without being determined by external factors. It suggests that humans have the capacity to choose between different options and control their actions consciously.

Now, to address your statement:

1. The behavior of atoms is governed entirely by physical law.
This statement aligns with determinism. According to this perspective, if the behavior of atoms is governed entirely by physical laws, it implies that everything in the universe, including human behavior, can be explained by these laws.

2. Humans have free will.
This statement supports the existence of free will. It suggests that humans have the ability to make choices that are not determined solely by external causes but are instead based on individual agency and conscious decision-making.

Determinism and free will are two contrasting perspectives, and accepting both simultaneously might present a philosophical inconsistency. Some argue that if the behavior of atoms is solely governed by physical laws, then humans are also subject to determinism, and free will is an illusion. Others propose that free will can coexist with determinism by considering factors like moral responsibility and the complexity of human decision-making.

Ultimately, the acceptance of either or both of these views largely depends on personal beliefs, subjective experiences, and philosophical interpretations.