Write an algerbraic expression to describe the pattern rule for the date in this table of valures.

Term# Value
1 6
2 11
3 18
4 27

(n+1)^2 + 2

-add one to the number
-square it
-add 2 to that result

n = 4
add one ---> 5
square it ....> 25
add 2 ----> 27

How did you get that answer?

I look for some kind of pattern

I noticed that the differences between the second set of numbers were consecutive odd numbers.
Past experience told me that involved some type of squaring
I then noticed that each number in the second set was 2 more than a perfect squares, which are 1,4,9,16, 25 etc

That is about the best way I can explain it.
You just have to try different patterns

To describe the pattern rule for the date in the table of values, we need to find the relationship between the term number and the corresponding value.

By analyzing the given table, we can observe that the relationship between the term number (T) and the value (V) can be described using the formula:

V = T^2 + 5

In this formula, the term number (T) is squared and then 5 is added to the result. This expression generates the values 6, 11, 18, and 27 for terms 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.

Therefore, the algebraic expression to describe the pattern rule for the given table of values is:
V = T^2 + 5