List five natural resources you believe are essential for civilization. If htese natural resources become limited because man's overuse or population, how will it have an effect on the individual, community,or population level.

I did not find any of these web sites helpful. Thanks for trying I guess

The natural resources that are essential to civilization are:

fuel for heating and cooking
fertile soil for growing food
materials for making shelters
materials for writing (paper, ink, etc.)

Please look back at the websites recommended by SraJMcGin for more information about those necessities.

What happens if we don't have enough of any of these resources?

Five essential natural resources for civilization are:

1. Water: It is critical for various activities like drinking, sanitation, agriculture, and industrial processes.
2. Air: Oxygen in the air is necessary for respiration, and clean air is essential for a healthy environment.
3. Fossil fuels: These include coal, oil, and natural gas, which are used for energy production, transportation, and manufacturing.
4. Minerals: Essential minerals like iron, copper, and aluminum are used for infrastructure, construction, and manufacturing.
5. Agricultural land: Natural land resources are crucial for food production and farming.

If these natural resources become limited due to overuse or population growth, it can have several effects at individual, community, or population levels:

1. Individual level: Limited resources may lead to higher costs and scarcity, affecting individuals' access to essential goods and services such as clean water, food, and energy. This can impact quality of life and standard of living.
2. Community level: Communities might face challenges in providing basic necessities like clean water, energy, and sufficient food, leading to competition, conflicts, and societal disruptions.
3. Population level: Limited resources can impede economic development and growth, affecting employment opportunities, trade, and overall prosperity. Population growth without adequate resources may also result in increased poverty, inequality, and migration.

To address these challenges, societies can focus on sustainable resource management, innovation, and conservation measures. This involves promoting efficient use of resources, investing in renewable energy alternatives, implementing responsible farming practices, and encouraging population control measures to ensure long-term resource availability.