What would the answer be to 4m+(-3n)+n?

-3n squared +4m

4m+(-3n)+n = 4m + n(-3 +1) = 4m +(-2n) = 2(2m -n)

The answer to 4m + (-3n) + n can be simplified as 2(2m - n). Here's how we got to that answer:

Step 1: Combine like terms
When we have numbers or variables with the same exponent, we can combine them. In this case, we have 4m and -3n. The + n term does not have any similar term, so we keep it as it is.

Step 2: Simplify the signs
To simplify the signs, we need to be familiar with the rules for adding and subtracting integers. In this case, (-3n) + n can be simplified as -2n. The negative sign in front of 3 changes the sign of the term.

Step 3: Rewrite the expression
Now that we have simplified the terms, our expression becomes 4m + (-2n).

Step 4: Factor out a common factor
We can factor out a common factor of 2 from the terms 4m and -2n. This gives us 2(2m - n).

Therefore, the answer to 4m + (-3n) + n is 2(2m - n).