Most stories have good and bad characters. which word would most likely describe the bad characters in most books? a) malnourished b)malodorous c) malignant d) malevolent

malnourished has to do with health

malodorous has to do with smelling bad

malignant - ?

malevolent - ?

What do you think?


To determine which word would most likely describe the bad characters in most books, we can analyze the meaning of each word and consider their common usage in literature.

a) "Malnourished" describes someone who is suffering from a lack of proper nutrition or is undernourished physically. While it may be used to describe a character's physical condition, it does not necessarily denote that they are morally corrupt or malicious.

b) "Malodorous" refers to having an unpleasant or foul odor. This word primarily relates to someone's smell and is not typically used to describe a character's moral nature.

c) "Malignant" generally means harmful or cancerous. While this word can be used metaphorically to describe a character's intentions or actions, it is less commonly employed in the context of the character's moral alignment.

d) "Malevolent" is the most suitable word in this context. It describes characters who exhibit ill will, evil intentions, or a desire to harm others. This term is commonly used to portray literary villains who act deliberately and with malicious intent.

Therefore, the word that would most likely describe the bad characters in most books is "d) malevolent."