which word is not derived from terms used in drama?


To determine which word is not derived from terms used in drama, we can break down the options and analyze their origins:

1. Chorus: In drama, the chorus refers to a group of performers who engage in dialogue or commentary and help advance the story. The word "chorus" originated from Greek and has been used both in ancient Greek dramas and modern theater.

2. Pants: In the context of drama, the term "pants" refers to short for "pantaloons," which are a type of trousers typically worn by male characters on stage. The term "pants" is derived from the French word "pantalon," which in turn comes from the Italian "pantaloni." So "pants" is indeed a term used in drama.

3. Scene: In drama, "scene" refers to a section or unit of a play in which the action takes place in a single location. The word "scene" has its roots in Latin and has been used in drama for centuries.

4. Size: Unlike the others, the word "size" is not derived from terms used in drama. "Size" refers to dimensions, proportions, or quantities and does not have a specific connection to theatrical or dramatic contexts.

Therefore, the word "size" is not derived from terms used in drama.