I have this formula z=1/x (which is the formula for conductance)

My x values are: 98.3 ohms, 967 ohms, and 545 ohms.

What would my "z" values be? I know the units would be siemens.

If x is 98.3 ohms, the conductance is

1/98.3 = 0.01017 Siemens (formerly called mhos)

Compute others the same way.

I was not aware that mhos are now called Siemens. I wonder when they changed it.

To calculate the "z" values for the given x values using the formula z = 1/x, you simply substitute each x value into the formula and compute the corresponding z value. Here's how you can do it step-by-step:

1. For the first x value of 98.3 ohms:
z = 1/x
z = 1/98.3
z ≈ 0.01017 siemens

2. For the second x value of 967 ohms:
z = 1/x
z = 1/967
z ≈ 0.00103 siemens

3. For the third x value of 545 ohms:
z = 1/x
z = 1/545
z ≈ 0.00183 siemens

Therefore, the "z" values corresponding to the given x values are approximately:
0.01017 siemens, 0.00103 siemens, and 0.00183 siemens.