A research group conducted an extensive survey of 3078 wage and salaried workers on issues ranging from relationships with their bosses to household chores. The data were gathered through hour-long telephone interviews with a nationally representative sample. In response to the question, "What does success mean to you?" 1482 responded, "Personal satisfaction from doing a good job." Let p be the population proportion of all wage and salaried workers who would respond the same way to the stated question. How large a sample is needed if we wish to be 95% confident that the sample percentage of those equating success with personal satisfaction is within 1.4% of the population percentage? (Hint: Use p ≈ 0.48 as a preliminary estimate. Round your answer up to the nearest whole number.)

Try this formula:

n = [(z-value)^2 * p * q]/E^2
...where z-value is 1.96 which represents 95% confidence using a z-table, p = 0.48, q = 1 - p, and E = .014 (1.4% in decimal form).

I'll let you calculate it from here. Round your answer to the next highest whole number.

0.495 < p < 0.525

To determine the sample size needed, we can use the formula for estimating a population proportion:

n = [(z * σ) / E]^2

n = sample size
z = z-score for the desired confidence level (95% confidence level corresponds to z = 1.96)
σ = standard deviation (estimated as the square root of [p * (1-p) / n])
E = desired margin of error

Using the provided hint, p ≈ 0.48.

First, we need to calculate the standard deviation:

σ = √(p * (1-p) / n)
σ = √(0.48 * (1-0.48) / n)

Next, we can substitute the values into the formula and solve for n:

n = [(z * σ) / E]^2
n = [(1.96 * √(0.48 * (1-0.48) / n)) / (0.014)]^2

Since we don't know the value of n yet, we can start by assuming a sufficiently large number (e.g., n = 1000) to calculate the value of σ. We can then refine the estimation using the new value of σ.

n = [(1.96 * √(0.48 * (1-0.48) / 1000)) / (0.014)]^2
n ≈ 855

Using an initially assumed sample size of 1000, the estimated sample size required is approximately 855. However, this may not be the exact value. We can recalculate using the new estimation:

n = [(1.96 * √(0.48 * (1-0.48) / 855)) / (0.014)]^2

By iteratively using the updated value of n in the formula until it converges, we eventually find that the sample size needed is approximately 864.

Therefore, to be 95% confident that the sample percentage of those equating success with personal satisfaction is within 1.4% of the population percentage, a sample size of at least 864 is required.

To determine the sample size needed to be 95% confident with a margin of error of 1.4%, we can use the formula for sample size calculation:

n = (Z^2 * p * (1-p)) / E^2

n = sample size
Z = Z-score for the desired confidence level (95% confidence level corresponds to a Z-score of approximately 1.96)
p = estimated population proportion
E = margin of error

Z = 1.96 (for 95% confidence level)
p = 0.48 (preliminary estimate based on the hint)
E = 0.014 (margin of error as a decimal)

Substituting the values into the formula:

n = (1.96^2 * 0.48 * (1-0.48)) / 0.014^2

Calculating this equation will give us the minimum sample size required to achieve the given confidence level and margin of error. Rounding the result up to the nearest whole number, we get the answer to the question.