Bob was given and exercise prescription for 3-5 METS for his home exercise program. He is currently walking, and at the fitness center using a treadmill, walking 3.2 mph up a3% incline. Bob weighs 70kg. is Bob exercising in his prescribed zone?

METS = ???

1 MET = 3.5 mL of O2/kg of body weight/min

I have no idea what that means, but you should. In your course materials, there should be a formula (or maybe several formulae) you can plug these numbers in and then solve.

If you need a site to check your math, try this:


To determine if Bob is exercising within his prescribed zone of 3-5 METS, we need to calculate the MET value for his current activity.

MET stands for Metabolic Equivalent of Task, which is a unit used to estimate the amount of energy expended during physical activities. One MET is defined as the amount of energy expended at rest.

To calculate METs for a specific activity, we need to know the intensity level and duration of the activity.

In Bob's case, he is walking on a treadmill at a speed of 3.2 mph with a 3% incline.

To determine the MET value for this activity, we can refer to a compendium of physical activities. According to the compendium, walking at 3.2 mph on a flat surface has a MET value of 3.3. However, since Bob is walking on a 3% incline, which increases the intensity of the activity, we need to adjust the MET value.

To calculate the adjusted MET value, we can use the following formula:

Adjusted MET = MET (flat surface) + [(incline % / 100) * MET (flat surface)]

Given that the MET value for walking at 3.2 mph on a flat surface is 3.3, and the incline is 3%, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Adjusted MET = 3.3 + [(0.03) * 3.3] = 3.3 + 0.099 = 3.399

So, the adjusted MET value for Bob's walking activity on the treadmill is approximately 3.399.

Now, let's compare this with Bob's prescribed range of 3-5 METS.

Since 3.399 falls within the range of 3-5 METS, we can conclude that Bob is exercising within his prescribed zone.

Therefore, Bob is exercising in his prescribed zone.