we have a whole list and I am confused and can someone help me with the first 2 as a reference to use.

substance O
substance O2
**these are both separate lines**

name =
under the rest we check appropriate box

O is an element, symbol, (single) atom

O2 is a compound, formula and molecule

Sure! I can help you with the first two items on your list:

1. Substance O:
To determine the information for Substance O, you need to identify whether it is an element, compound, symbol, formula, atom or molecule.

- Name: Since it is mentioned as "Substance O", we do not have a specific name for it yet.
- Element/Compound: We need to determine if it is an element or a compound. If it is a single pure substance that cannot be broken down further, it is an element. If it is a combination of two or more elements, it is a compound. Without further information, it is not possible to determine if Substance O is an element or compound.
- Symbol: The symbol represents the chemical shorthand for an element. For example, the symbol for oxygen is "O". Without additional information, we cannot determine the symbol for Substance O.
- Formula: The formula typically represents the combination of elements in a compound. Since we don't know if Substance O is a compound, we cannot determine its formula.
- Atom: An atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains its chemical properties. We do not have enough information to determine if Substance O consists of atoms.
- Molecule: A molecule is a combination of two or more atoms. It is also not possible to determine if Substance O exists as a molecule or not.

2. Substance O2:
Again, we will go through the same process for Substance O2:

- Name: Since it is mentioned as "Substance O2", we do not have a specific name for it yet.
- Element/Compound: To determine if it is an element or compound, we need to know if Substance O2 is a single pure substance or a combination of elements. By looking at the formula, we can see that it consists of only the element oxygen (O). Therefore, Substance O2 is an element.
- Symbol: The symbol for Substance O2 is "O", which represents the element oxygen.
- Formula: The formula is also O2, indicating that there are two oxygen atoms bonded together in Substance O2.
- Atom: Substance O2 consists of oxygen atoms, specifically two oxygen atoms bonded together.
- Molecule: A molecule is formed when two or more atoms are chemically bonded together. In this case, Substance O2 is a molecule consisting of two oxygen atoms bonded together.

Note: The determination of element/compound and molecule status is based on the information provided in the formula. The remaining properties would require additional information.