Convert to a logarithmic equation: 9y = 6561

You obviously meant to say

9^y = 6561
y = log9 6561

To convert the given equation, 9y = 6561, into a logarithmic form, we need to understand the relationship between logarithms and exponentiation.

In logarithms, we have a base, an exponent, and a result. The logarithm of a number to a specific base is the exponent needed to raise that base to reach the given number.

In this case, the base is unknown. To determine the base, we need to isolate y on one side of the equation. Let's divide both sides of the equation by 9:

(9y)/9 = 6561/9

Simplifying, we get:

y = 729

Now, we can rewrite the equation using logarithms. The logarithmic form for exponentiation is:

log(base)(result) = exponent

So, in this case, we have:

log(base)(729) = y

Note that we still haven't determined the specific base. To find the base, we can rely on the fact that 729 can be written as a power of a whole number. In this case, 729 is equal to 3^6. Therefore, we can rewrite the equation one more time:

log(3)(729) = y

Therefore, the logarithmic form of the equation 9y = 6561 is log(3)(729) = y.