Thought to be _______, the criminal was sentenced to life without parole.


You can find the meanings of these words here:

People in most countries do not get prison sentences for religious "crimes."



To determine the correct answer, we can first define each of the given words and see which one fits best in the given sentence.

1. Blasphemous: This word refers to something that is disrespectful or offensive towards religious beliefs or principles. It does not seem to fit in the context of the given sentence, as it does not imply criminal behavior.

2. Heretic: This word refers to someone who holds beliefs that contradict the established teachings of a particular religion or belief system. While being a heretic may be a criminal offense in some societies or historical contexts, it is not explicitly indicated in the given sentence.

3. Incorrigible: This word refers to someone who is difficult or impossible to correct or reform. In the given sentence, if the individual is thought to be incorrigible, it suggests that they are unable to be rehabilitated or reformed. This would align with a sentence of life without parole.

Based on the analysis above, the word that best fits in the given sentence is "incorrigible." Therefore, the correct answer is 3. incorrigible.