Mr. Frost is painting his garage, which has a surface area of 500 square feet. He has 1 3/4 gallons of paint. If one gallon of paint covers 150 square feet, how much more paint must Mr. Frost buy? Show your work. Please help.

500 / 150 = 3 1/3 gallons

3 1/3 - 1 3/4 =
3 4/12 - 1 9/12 =
2 16/12 - 1 9/12 = 1 7/12 gallons

500 ft^2 * 1 gal/150 ft^2 = 3 1/3 gallons needed

3 1/3 - 1 3/4 = 2 16/12 - 1 9/12

= 1 7/12

To find out how much more paint Mr. Frost needs to buy, we first need to determine how much paint he has already used.

Given that one gallon of paint covers 150 square feet, and Mr. Frost has 1 3/4 gallons of paint, we can calculate the total surface area that can be covered by the paint he currently has:

1 3/4 gallons = 7/4 gallons

7/4 gallons * 150 square feet = 1050/4 square feet ≈ 262.5 square feet

So, Mr. Frost has already painted 262.5 square feet with the paint he currently has.

To find out how much more paint he needs to buy, we subtract the area he has already painted from the total surface area of the garage:

500 square feet - 262.5 square feet = 237.5 square feet

Therefore, Mr. Frost needs to buy enough paint to cover an additional 237.5 square feet of his garage.