donna runs 7 miles in 75 minutes. At the same rat, how many miles would she run in 45 minutes?

Set up this proportion:

7/75 = x/45

Cross multiply and solve for x.

1.8 miles

5 over 1

To find out how many miles Donna would run in 45 minutes at the same rate, we can set up a proportion.

We will use the formula:

miles / minutes = miles / minutes

Let's assign variables to the values given:
Let x be the number of miles Donna would run in 45 minutes.

Setting up the proportion:
7 miles / 75 minutes = x miles / 45 minutes

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then solve for x:

7 miles * 45 minutes = x miles * 75 minutes
315 miles * minutes = 75x miles * minutes

Dividing both sides of the equation by 75 minutes, we get:
(315 miles * minutes) / 75 minutes = (75x miles * minutes) / 75 minutes

After canceling out the minutes, we are left with:
315 miles = 75x miles

Now, to solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 75:
315 miles / 75 = 75x miles / 75

The miles/75 on the right side cancel out, giving us:
4.2 miles = x

Therefore, Donna would run approximately 4.2 miles in 45 minutes at the same rate.