What is the most precise name for each space figure that has the given properties.

1. four lateral faces that are triangles?

2. three lateral faces that are rectangles?

3.a lateral surface and one circular base?

1. Triangular Pyramid? Rectangular pyramid?

2. Rectangular solid?
3. Cylinder?

I assume that the figures may have more than the given properties.

1. The space figure that has four lateral faces that are triangles is called a tetrahedron. A tetrahedron is a three-dimensional shape with four triangular faces. To find this answer, you can use your knowledge of geometric shapes or conduct an online search using the given properties of the figure.

2. The space figure that has three lateral faces that are rectangles is called a prism. A prism is a three-dimensional shape with two congruent, parallel bases and rectangular sides. To find this answer, you can use your knowledge of geometric shapes or conduct an online search using the given properties of the figure.

3. The space figure that has a lateral surface and one circular base is called a cone. A cone is a three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a curved surface that joins the base to a single point called the apex. To find this answer, you can use your knowledge of geometric shapes or conduct an online search using the given properties of the figure.

1. The most precise name for a space figure with four lateral faces that are triangles is a triangular pyramid.

2. The most precise name for a space figure with three lateral faces that are rectangles is a rectangular prism.

3. The most precise name for a space figure with a lateral surface and one circular base is a cone.