What is the most precise name for each space figure that has the given properties.

1. four lateral faces that are triangles?

2. three lateral faces that are rectangles?

3.a lateral surface and one circular base?

Triangular Pyramid

Name the geometric solid suggested by a teepee.





1. The most precise name for a space figure with four lateral faces that are triangles is a tetrahedron.

2. The most precise name for a space figure with three lateral faces that are rectangles is a rectangular prism.

3. The most precise name for a space figure with a lateral surface and one circular base is a cylinder.

To find the most precise name for each space figure with the given properties, we need to understand the characteristics of different three-dimensional shapes.

1. A space figure with four lateral faces that are triangles is called a triangular pyramid. To determine this, we can recall that a pyramid is a polyhedron with one base (which can be any polygon) and triangular faces connecting the base to a single vertex.

2. A space figure with three lateral faces that are rectangles is called a rectangular prism. By definition, a prism is a polyhedron with two parallel and congruent bases connected by flat faces (known as lateral faces). In this case, since the lateral faces are rectangles, we specifically refer to it as a rectangular prism.

3. A space figure with a lateral surface (side) and one circular base is called a cone. We can recognize this by knowing that a cone has a single circular base and a curved surface (lateral surface) that tapers to a point called the apex or vertex.

In general, understanding the properties and characteristics of different shapes helps us to determine their precise names.