We have to pick which sentence the vocabulary word is used incorrectly.

Vocab Word: Verity

a) Many people trusted the VERITY of the accused spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, but the defendants were convicted and executed for espionage in 1953.
b) Although neutrons and protons are invisible, physicists accept them as a scientific VERITY.
c) Edna Ferber acknowledges a VERITY in American attitudes when a character in Cimmarron says, " I am not belittling the brave pioneer men, but the sunbonnet as well as the sombrero has helped to settle this glorious land of ours."
d) Athletes in competitive sports accept the VERITY that they can't win all the time.

I narrowed it down to A and C

I believe it's C.


In order to determine which sentence uses the vocabulary word "verity" incorrectly, we need to understand the meaning of the word and how it is used in each sentence.

The word "verity" refers to the quality of being true or the state of being factual or accurate. It implies a level of truthfulness or reliability. Let's analyze each sentence to see if the word is used correctly:

a) Many people trusted the VERITY of the accused spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, but the defendants were convicted and executed for espionage in 1953.

In this sentence, the word "verity" is used correctly. It denotes that many people believed in the truthfulness of the accused spies, but the following information suggests that their belief might have been misplaced, as the accused spies were convicted and executed.

b) Although neutrons and protons are invisible, physicists accept them as a scientific VERITY.

In this sentence, the word "verity" is used correctly. It highlights that physicists accept the existence of neutrons and protons as an established scientific truth, even though they cannot be physically observed.

c) Edna Ferber acknowledges a VERITY in American attitudes when a character in Cimarron says, "I am not belittling the brave pioneer men, but the sunbonnet as well as the sombrero has helped to settle this glorious land of ours."

In this sentence, the word "verity" is used correctly. It suggests that Edna Ferber acknowledges the existence of a fundamental truth or reality about American attitudes through the character's statement.

d) Athletes in competitive sports accept the VERITY that they can't win all the time.

In this sentence, the word "verity" is used incorrectly. The sentence implies that athletes accept the idea that they cannot win all the time as a truth or reality. However, the word "verity" is not appropriate in this context. A more suitable word might be "fact" or "reality" to convey the intended meaning.

Therefore, the sentence that uses the vocabulary word "verity" incorrectly is option d) "Athletes in competitive sports accept the VERITY that they can't win all the time."