an antifreeze solution is made by mixing ethylene glycol (density= 1116 kg/m^3) with water. suppose that the specific gravity of such a solution is 1.0730. assuming that the total volume of the solution is the sum of its parts, determine the volume percentage of ethylene glycol in the solution?

لي عوض حجم الماء ب x_1

Well, it seems we have quite the chemistry question here. But don't worry, I'm here to clown around and help you out!

To determine the volume percentage of ethylene glycol in the solution, we need to do some calculations. Now, the specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of water.

So, the specific gravity of the solution (SG_solution) is given as 1.0730. On the other hand, we know the density of pure ethylene glycol (ρ_ethylene glycol) is 1116 kg/m^3.

Since the specific gravity is the ratio of the solution density to the density of water, we can say:

SG_solution = ρ_solution / ρ_water

Now, we also know that the density of water (ρ_water) is 1000 kg/m^3.

Plugging in the values we have:

1.0730 = ρ_solution / 1000

To find ρ_solution, we rearrange the equation:

ρ_solution = 1.0730 * 1000

ρ_solution = 1073 kg/m^3

Now that we have the density of the solution, let's calculate the volume percentage of ethylene glycol (V_percent). We'll use the formula:

V_percent = (ρ_ethylene glycol / ρ_solution) * 100

Plugging in the values we have:

V_percent = (1116 / 1073) * 100

V_percent ≈ 103.99%

So, approximately 104% (Yes, you read it right. Chemistry can sometimes be funny too!) of the solution is made up of ethylene glycol.

Note: The "percent" here is more for relative comparison, as it goes beyond the concept of strict percentages in this case.

I hope that helped, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

To determine the volume percentage of ethylene glycol in the solution, we need to find the volume of ethylene glycol and the total volume of the solution.

We are given the specific gravity of the solution, which is the ratio of its density to the density of water. The specific gravity is given as 1.0730.

Specific gravity = Density of solution / Density of water

Density of solution = Specific gravity * Density of water

Density of solution = 1.0730 * 1000 kg/m^3 (density of water is approximately 1000 kg/m^3)

Density of solution = 1073 kg/m^3

Let VEG be the volume of ethylene glycol
Let Vwater be the volume of water

The total volume of the solution is the sum of the volume of ethylene glycol and the volume of water.

Total volume = VEG + Vwater

We can also express the total volume in terms of mass and density:

Total volume = Total mass / Density of solution

Now, let's calculate the volume of ethylene glycol:
Density of ethylene glycol = 1116 kg/m^3

Mass of ethylene glycol = Density of ethylene glycol * VEG

Similarly, the mass of water is determined by its density and volume:
Mass of water = Density of water * Vwater

Since the total mass is determined by the total volume and the density of the solution, we can write:
Total mass = (VEG * Density of ethylene glycol) + (Vwater * Density of water)

Substituting our expressions for mass and volume:
Total mass = VEG * 1116 kg/m^3 + Vwater * 1000 kg/m^3

Since the density (mass/volume) remains constant, we can equate the expressions for total mass:
VEG * 1116 kg/m^3 + Vwater * 1000 kg/m^3 = Total mass

Dividing both sides of the equation by the total volume:
(VEG * 1116 kg/m^3 + Vwater * 1000 kg/m^3) / (VEG + Vwater) = Density of solution

Substituting the known values:
(VEG * 1116 + Vwater * 1000) / (VEG + Vwater) = 1073

(VEG * 1116 + Vwater * 1000) = 1073 * (VEG + Vwater)

Expanding the equation:
1116 VEG + 1000 Vwater = 1073 VEG + 1073 Vwater

Rearranging the equation:
VEG - Vwater = 73 Vwater - 57 VEG

130 VEG = 73 Vwater

Dividing both sides by Vwater:
(130 VEG) / Vwater = 73

Now we know that the volume of ethylene glycol is 130/73 or approximately 1.78 times the volume of water.

To find the volume percentage, we can use the formula:
Volume percentage of ethylene glycol = (VEG / Total volume) * 100

Substituting our expressions for VEG and the total volume:
Volume percentage of ethylene glycol = (1.78 x Vwater / (1.78 x Vwater) + Vwater) * 100

Volume percentage of ethylene glycol = (1.78 Vwater / (2.78 Vwater)) * 100

Volume percentage of ethylene glycol = 1.78 / 2.78 * 100

Volume percentage of ethylene glycol ≈ 64.39%

Therefore, the volume percentage of ethylene glycol in the antifreeze solution is approximately 64.39%.

To determine the volume percentage of ethylene glycol in the solution, we'll need to understand the relationship between specific gravity, density, and volume.

First, let's define the specific gravity (SG). It is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance at a specified condition. In this case, water is usually used as the reference substance, and its density at 4 degrees Celsius is approximately 1000 kg/m^3.

So, SG = density of substance / density of water

Given that the specific gravity of the solution is 1.0730, we can calculate the density of the solution using the density of water:

Density of solution = specific gravity * density of water
Density of solution = 1.0730 * 1000 kg/m^3
Density of solution = 1073 kg/m^3

Now, let's assume that we have a certain volume of the solution (V) and we want to determine the volume of ethylene glycol in that solution (Ve). Similarly, we can assume the volume of water in the solution as Vw.

The total volume of the solution (V) is the sum of the volumes of ethylene glycol (Ve) and water (Vw):

V = Ve + Vw

To determine the volume percentage of ethylene glycol in the solution, we need to find the ratio of Ve to V, and then multiply it by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage of Ve in the solution = (Ve / V) * 100

To proceed further, we need another piece of information, which is the density of ethylene glycol. Unfortunately, this information is missing from the question. Without that information, we won't be able to calculate the volume percentage of ethylene glycol in the solution.

Please provide the density of ethylene glycol, and I'll be happy to calculate the volume percentage for you.

Let x be the volume fraction of ethylene glycol. Then 1-x is the volume fraction of water.

(1-x)*(1000) + x*1116 = 1.0730*1000 kg/m^3

x(116) = 73

x = 63%