im reading othello and i don't understand the meaning of this quote

but i will wear my heart upon my sleeve
for daws to peck at: i am not what i am

please help and thank you

Find Othello here and then the act and scene where this appears. Once you read it in modern English (the column on the right), you should understand it well.

does it mean showing his true feelings

Yes, to wear your heart on your sleeves is to show true and real emotion.

Of course! I'd be happy to explain the meaning of this quote from William Shakespeare's play, Othello.

This quote is spoken by the character Iago in Act 1, Scene 1 of the play. Let's break it down to understand its meaning:

"But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve
For daws to peck at: I am not what I am."

In this quote, Iago is expressing his intention to be open and show his emotions openly, like wearing his heart on his sleeve. However, the phrase "for daws to peck at" indicates his awareness that by doing so, he exposes himself to criticism, mockery, or harm from others.

The term "daws" refers to jackdaws, which are a type of bird known for their thieving behavior. In this context, they symbolize people who can take advantage of Iago's vulnerability or use his emotions against him.

The second part of the quote, "I am not what I am," suggests that Iago is not going to reveal his true self or his true intentions to others. It hints at the idea of deception and manipulation, as Iago often presents himself differently from who he truly is throughout the play.

To fully understand the impact of this quote, it is important to explore its context within the play, as Iago's ability to manipulate others through his deceptive persona becomes a significant theme. Additionally, analyzing the character's motives and actions will provide deeper insight into the complexity of the quote's meaning.

Remember, interpreting literature like Othello can often involve multiple layers of symbolism, themes, and characterization which may require further exploration.