which word did not originate from military language?

1 pioneer
2 phrase
3 salary
4 trophy


To determine which word did not originate from military language, we can analyze the origins and etymology of each word individually.

1. Pioneer: The word "pioneer" originated from the French word "pionnier," which referred to a foot soldier who prepared the way for an army. So, "pioneer" does have its origins in military language.

2. Phrase: The word "phrase" did not originate from military language. It comes from the Latin word "phrasis," which means "manner of expression." It does not have any direct military associations.

3. Salary: The word "salary" has Latin origins, derived from the word "salarium," which referred to the money given to Roman soldiers to purchase salt. However, the term is not exclusively military and is now used in a wider context outside the military.

4. Trophy: The word "trophy" originated from the Latin word "tropaeum," which referred to a memorial of victory erected on the battlefield. It was used to signify triumph in war. Therefore, "trophy" is derived from military language.

Therefore, the word that did not originate from military language is number 2, phrase.