the greek combining form -nomy means:

1.pertaining to.
2.act of.
3.rule by. of.

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The Greek combining form "-nomy" is associated with the meaning "science of." It is derived from the Greek word "nomos," which translates to "law" or "custom." When combined with other words, "-nomy" creates terms that refer to the study or science of a specific subject. For example, "astronomy" means the science of celestial objects, "economy" refers to the study of wealth and resources, and "taxonomy" relates to the classification of organisms.

To answer your question, the correct choice is option 4: "science of." It is important to note that knowing the Greek or Latin roots of words can be helpful in determining their meanings or forming educated guesses. In this case, understanding the meaning of the base word "nomos" is key to identifying the meaning of the combining form "-nomy."