show me the steps to solve: z-5-7(z-3)+3(5z+1)

You can combine terms to simplify it, but you cannot "solve" it, since it is not an equation.



To solve the expression z-5-7(z-3)+3(5z+1), follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS) to simplify the expression step by step. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 7 and 3 to the terms inside the parentheses:

-7(z-3) becomes -7z + 21
3(5z+1) becomes 15z + 3

The expression becomes: z - 5 - 7z + 21 + 15z + 3.

Step 2: Combine like terms:

Combining the z terms: z - 7z + 15z = 9z
Combining the constant terms: -5 + 21 + 3 = 19

The expression becomes: 9z + 19

Therefore, the solution to the expression z-5-7(z-3)+3(5z+1) is 9z + 19.