Need help with these 3:

19. "¿Por qué te gusta estudiar?"
"Pues, _______ me gusta la clase.
a. por
b. porque
c. por qué
d. qué

21. Las frutas son _______ para la salud.
a. buena
b. bueno
c. buenas
d. buenos

22. "¿Te gusta comer pan tostado con huevo en el desayuno?"
"____, pero prefiero comer cereal."
a. Malo
b. ¿Verdad?
c. Por qué
d. Mas o menos


19b ('because' is porque),

21c (must match feminine plural ending),
22d ('more or less', but the speaker prefers something else)

No fair! When you have written no choice, you are not asking for HELP but instead asking us to DO it.


Sure! Let's work through each question one by one.

19. "¿Por qué te gusta estudiar?"
In this question, we are being asked "Why do you like to study?" One way to answer this question is by saying "Pues, _______ me gusta la clase." (Well, _______ I like the class.) To choose the correct option, we need to determine which word fits logically in the blank space. Let's look at the options:
a. por
b. porque
c. por qué
d. qué

To answer this question, we need to use the conjunction "porque," which means "because" in Spanish. So the correct answer is b. porque.


21. Las frutas son _______ para la salud.
This question asks us to determine the correct form of the adjective to describe the word "frutas" in Spanish. We can see that "frutas" is plural, so we need to choose the plural form of the adjective. Let's look at the options:
a. buena
b. bueno
c. buenas
d. buenos

In this case, the correct answer is c. buenas, which is the plural form of the adjective "buena," meaning "good" in Spanish.

Last one!

22. "¿Te gusta comer pan tostado con huevo en el desayuno?"
"____, pero prefiero comer cereal."
Here, we are being asked if we like to eat toast with egg for breakfast. We are then asked to choose the appropriate response from the options provided. Let's look at the options:
a. Malo
b. ¿Verdad?
c. Por qué
d. Mas o menos

In order to express our preference, we need to choose an option that means "no" or expresses disagreement. The correct option is d. Mas o menos, which means "more or less" or "not really" in Spanish.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.