Analyze Robert Browning's poem, "My Last Duchess" using the criteria for "good poetry" set forth by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in AURORA LEIGH. Please point me in the right direction.

Here are two excellent university websites that give directions for reading poetry well and then writing about what you have read. Please read both carefully and apply the ideas.

Your task will not be one that is done quickly. You must go through EBB's poem first and identify the "criteria for 'good poetry'" -- and THEN go through RB's poem and analyze it according to what you discovered in EBB's poem.

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To analyze Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess" in accordance with Elizabeth Barrett Browning's criteria for "good poetry," it is necessary to first understand the key elements highlighted in "Aurora Leigh." "Aurora Leigh" is an epic poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning that discusses the nature and characteristics of good poetry.

Here are some criteria from "Aurora Leigh" that we can apply to analyze "My Last Duchess":

1. Honesty and Truth: Elizabeth Barrett Browning emphasizes the importance of the poet's truthfulness and sincerity in their work. Analyze "My Last Duchess" to determine if Robert Browning conveys honesty in the poem. Examine the speaker's narration and evaluate if the emotions and intentions are portrayed truthfully.

2. Moral Purpose: Elizabeth Barrett Browning suggests that good poetry should have a moral purpose, educating readers and promoting societal improvement. Investigate whether "My Last Duchess" communicates any moral insights or if it serves a didactic purpose by conveying a social message.

3. Artistry and Technique: Elizabeth Barrett Browning stresses the craftsmanship and skill exhibited by the poet in their work. Analyze the language and literary devices employed by Robert Browning in "My Last Duchess." Consider elements such as metaphors, similes, imagery, rhyme scheme, meter, and other poetic devices to determine the efficacy of his artistry.

4. Emotional Depth: Elizabeth Barrett Browning advocates for poetry that delves deeply into the emotions and experiences of the human condition. Examine how "My Last Duchess" explores and conveys intense emotions. Analyze whether the poem resonates emotionally with the reader and evokes a profound response.

By considering these criteria in relation to "My Last Duchess," you can form a comprehensive analysis rooted in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's perspective on "good poetry." Remember, poetry analysis involves subjective interpretation and personal response, so engage with the text and form your own conclusions based on the provided guidelines.