
A= 1/2 ? ?
A= 180

what could the base and height be?

I think you would need one of the variables because all that is telling me is 180 = 1/2bh .

Are there any other variables listed?

I need to variables would equal 180 by being divided by 1/2

Factor 360 to find the possibilities.

To find the base (b) and height (h) in the equation A = 1/2 bh = 180, we need to rearrange the formula and solve for the missing variables.

Given: A = 180 (Area)

Step 1: Substitute the given values into the formula:
180 = 1/2 bh

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to remove the fraction:
2 * 180 = 1/2 * 2 * bh
360 = bh

Step 3: Now, we can determine the possible values for the base (b) and height (h) that satisfy the equation.
Here are a few examples:
- b = 1 and h = 360
- b = 2 and h = 180
- b = 3 and h = 120
- b = 4 and h = 90
- b = 5 and h = 72
And so on...

Remember, the values of b and h can vary, as long as their product equals 360.