what is a metaphor, and personification



A example of personification: The sun peeked over the horizon.

This is a personification because a sun can't really peek can it? So.... a personification is when you use a human action to describe something that CAN'T actually do the action... (Hope this isn't too confusing...)

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things by stating that one thing is another thing. It is used to create a vivid and imaginative comparison to convey a particular meaning or idea. For example, saying "Her smile is a ray of sunshine" is a metaphor, as it compares the person's smile to a ray of sunshine, emphasizing how bright and warm it makes people feel.

To identify a metaphor, you can look for words or phrases that explicitly make a comparison without using "like" or "as." Keep an eye out for statements that attribute qualities or characteristics of one thing to another.

Personification, on the other hand, is a figure of speech where human qualities or attributes are given to non-human entities, such as animals, objects, or abstract concepts. It adds depth and meaning to the description by making these non-human things more relatable or understandable. For instance, saying "The wind howled in the night" is an example of personification, as it assigns the human quality of howling to the wind.

To identify personification, look for words or phrases that attribute human actions, emotions, or qualities to non-human entities. Pay attention to descriptions that make these non-human things seem more alive or capable of human-like behavior.

Overall, both metaphors and personifications are powerful literary devices that add richness and creativity to language and writing.