Which graph is more appropriate for displaying the number of individuals of differing ages at a picnic? A histogram, bar graph, or line graph?

Why would it not be appropriate to use the ones not picked?

I am confused... I thought it would be bar graph as the most appropriate but then why would the others not be best?

To display the number of individuals of differing ages at a picnic, a bar graph would indeed be the most appropriate choice. A bar graph is ideal for comparing discrete categories or groups, such as different age ranges.

A histogram is a type of bar graph that is used to represent the distribution of continuous data. It groups data into intervals or bins and displays the frequency or count of data points within each bin. While a histogram can be effective for displaying age ranges, it is more commonly used when the data represents a variable that is measured on a continuous scale, such as height or weight.

A line graph, on the other hand, is typically used to show the relationship between two continuous variables over time, rather than comparing discrete categories. It is not the best choice for displaying the number of individuals of differing ages, as it would not accurately represent the count or frequency within each age group.

So, in this case, a bar graph is the most appropriate option because it allows you to easily compare the number of individuals in different age ranges. The other graphs, while useful for different types of data, are not as suitable for visualizing this specific scenario.