Supply the missing premise or conclusion of the ff. enthymeme in such a way that the resulting syllogism is valid. Write the resulting syllogism in standard form and test it for validity using a Venn diagram. What things would you take into account in evaluating it?


Legislation that can't be enforced leads to disrespect for the law, so legislation making marijuana possession a criminal offense leads to disrespect for the law.

What i came up with is..

Legislation that cannot be enforced are disrespect for the law.
All marijuana possession are disrespect for the law.
Therefore, disrespect for the law are legislation that cannot be enforced.

And what i would take into account is Legislation that cannot be enforced, marijuana possession.


To supply the missing premise or conclusion of the enthymeme, we can start by stating the known premises:

1. Legislation that can't be enforced leads to disrespect for the law.
2. Legislation making marijuana possession a criminal offense.

Using these premises, we can form the missing conclusion, which completes the syllogism. The missing conclusion would be:

3. Therefore, legislation making marijuana possession a criminal offense leads to disrespect for the law.

Now, let's represent the resulting syllogism in standard form:

1. All legislation that can't be enforced leads to disrespect for the law.
2. Legislation making marijuana possession a criminal offense.
3. Therefore, legislation making marijuana possession a criminal offense leads to disrespect for the law.

To test the validity of the syllogism, we can utilize a Venn diagram. In this case, we would consider the following factors:

1. Determine the categories and relationships: In this case, we have the category of "legislation" and the category of "criminal offense." We need to consider the relationship between these categories and how they relate to the concept of "disrespect for the law."

2. Represent the categories in the Venn diagram: Draw three intersecting circles to represent "legislation," "criminal offense," and "disrespect for the law."

3. Place the information in the diagram: Label each circle accordingly. Indicate the relationship between legislation that cannot be enforced and disrespect for the law, and the inclusion of marijuana possession as a criminal offense.

4. Evaluate the validity: Check if the conclusion (3) holds true based on the diagram. If the conclusion is supported by the diagram, the syllogism is valid.

It's important to note that without specific details and context, it may not be possible to create an entirely accurate Venn diagram. Venn diagrams rely on specific information about the extent and relationships between the categories involved. Therefore, the validity of the syllogism might be context-dependent.