Hi there,

I am doing some data calculations for my lab, but I'm having some trouble.

Mass of ferrous ammonium sulfate=4.0g
Mass of K3[Fe(C204)3] 3H20 =4.53g

1. Using the above mass of ferrous ammonium sulfate, calculate the theoretical yield of the K3[Fe(C204)3] 3H20.

2.What is the shape of the complex ion?
-->Not sure how I would do this.

3. What is the oxidation state of the central metal ion?

4. What is the coordination number of the central metal ion?
3. Draw the shape of the complex ion?

If this is the only data you have (I posted to similar question but it had redox equations with it), then I would convert 4.0 g of the first salt to grams of the second.

4.0 x (molarmass second salt/molarmass first salt) = grams second salt. This is the theoretical yield.

I would think the shape is octahedral.

Oxidation of the central ion (the Fe) is +3. Oxalate is -2 and -2*3 = -6. K3 is +3 which leaves +3 for the Fe.

The coordination number is 6.
We can't draw structures on the board but here is a link. If it looks confusing, think of an octahedron and draw the bidentate oxalate ion to two points on the octahedron, There are three of the ox ions, so that will take up the six point of the octahedron.


I'll be happy to help you with your data calculations.

1. To calculate the theoretical yield of K3[Fe(C204)3]3H2O, you need to determine how many moles of the compound can be produced from the given mass of ferrous ammonium sulfate.

First, calculate the molar mass of ferrous ammonium sulfate by adding up the atomic masses of all the elements in the compound. This requires referring to the periodic table.

Next, divide the given mass of ferrous ammonium sulfate by its molar mass to find the number of moles.

Then, use the balanced chemical equation of the reaction to determine the stoichiometric ratio between ferrous ammonium sulfate and K3[Fe(C204)3]3H2O.

Finally, multiply the number of moles of ferrous ammonium sulfate by the stoichiometric ratio to find the theoretical yield of K3[Fe(C204)3]3H2O.

2. The shape of the complex ion, K3[Fe(C204)3]3H2O, can be determined by its coordination number and the type of ligand it has. The coordination number represents the number of ligands directly bonded to the central metal ion.

3. The oxidation state of the central metal ion can be determined by analyzing the charges of the ligands and the overall charge of the complex ion. By comparing the charges, you can determine the oxidation state of the central metal ion.

4. The coordination number of the central metal ion can be determined by the number of ligands directly bonded to it. This number can be found by examining the chemical formula of the complex ion.

To draw the shape of the complex ion, it is helpful to use a molecular modeling software or refer to established diagrams in chemistry textbooks.

I hope this explanation helps you with your data calculations and understanding the properties of the complex ion! Let me know if you have any further questions.