What is the mass, and volume of the element Nickel?

Do you have a thimble full or a cup of it or a car loaded with it? Both the mass and the volume depend upon how much you have.

Do you have a thimble full or a cup of it or a car loaded with it? Both the mass and the volume depend upon how much you have.

To determine the mass and volume of the element Nickel, you need to know the amount of Nickel you have. The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter it contains, while the volume is a measure of how much space it occupies.

If you have a small amount of Nickel, like a thimble full, it would have a relatively low mass and volume. However, if you have a larger amount, like a cup or a car loaded with it, the mass and volume would be much higher.

To find the mass of Nickel, you can use a balance or scale that measures mass. Place the Nickel on the balance and record the measurement in grams (g) or kilograms (kg).

To determine the volume of Nickel, you can use a technique called displacement. Fill a graduated cylinder with a known volume of water, then carefully add the Nickel to the cylinder. The volume of water displaced by the Nickel is equal to the volume of the Nickel itself. Measure and record this volume in milliliters (mL) or cubic centimeters (cm³).

Keep in mind that the density of Nickel is approximately 8.9 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³), so if you know the mass or volume, you can calculate the other using this density value.

In summary, the mass and volume of Nickel depend on the amount you have. You can measure the mass using a balance or scale and determine the volume using the displacement method.