Sevnety-eight players entered a single elimination tennis tournament.How many matches were played to determine the overall champ?

please help me...and if u get the answer can you explain how you got it with a rule or a pattern

I did this a few minutes ago

math - Damon, Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 7:47pm

2 players in final
4 in semi final
8 in quarter final etc
64 note powers of two
there can be only 64 of the 78 in this round so there must be one beginning round with a lot of byes to winnow 78 down to 64.
78-64 = 14 players must be eliminated
so there must be 7 matches in this initial round
7 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1

but why would u do 7+32+16+8+4+2+1...what does that have to do with anything???..and i asked another peron and they gave me this answer:

In the first round, with 78 players, there would be 39 matches. However, with the 39 winners, there would be 18 matches and one bye. With the 9 winners and one bye, there would be 5 matches. With the five winners, there would be two more matches and one bye. I would assume the bye then would play one of the winners, and the winner of that match would play the other winner for the championship. How many matches is that?

i don't know..but this is so confusing....can u please show me or describe how you got the did you get the 2 players in final
4 in semi final...ect...

please help me

To determine the number of matches played in a single elimination tennis tournament, we can use the following formula:

Matches = Total number of players - 1

In a single elimination tournament, each match eliminates one player until there is only one remaining player, who becomes the overall champion.

In this case, you mentioned that there were 98 players in the tournament.

So, using the formula:

Matches = 98 - 1
Matches = 97

Therefore, to determine the overall champion in a single elimination tennis tournament with 98 players, 97 matches need to be played.