what is a changed variable?

variables are the part of the experment that change, and constants remain the same

Take the word apart. "Able" means it is capable of something. What is it capable of? It can "vari" (vary) — although it does not always do so. When it does, it can be called a "changed variable."

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

A changed variable is a term used in mathematics and programming to describe a value that can be altered within a calculation or algorithm. It is typically represented by a letter or symbol and its value can be modified throughout the course of a program or equation.

To understand what a changed variable is, it is important to have a basic understanding of variables in general. In programming, a variable is a named storage location that holds a value, and it can be manipulated or changed as needed. In mathematics, a variable represents an unknown value that can be determined through a calculation or equation.

In both cases, a changed variable refers to a specific variable that can be modified during the execution of a program or mathematical expression. This allows for flexibility and dynamism, as the value of the changed variable can be adjusted based on different conditions, user input, or other factors.

To identify a changed variable in a program or equation, look for variables that are assigned values, updated, or used in calculations within the code or formula. These variables will often have statements or operations that change their values, such as assignment statements, increment or decrement operations, or calculations involving other variables.

Understanding the concept of a changed variable is crucial when writing programs or performing mathematical computations, as it enables you to create dynamic and adaptable solutions to problems.