What is the total number of sigma and pi bonds in the molecule {CH}_3{NCO}?

To find the total number of sigma and pi bonds in a molecule, we need to look at the bonding between atoms and identify the type of bonds formed.

In the molecule {CH}_3{NCO}, let's analyze the bonding:

1. Start by identifying the central atom. In this case, it's the carbon atom (C).

2. Look at the bonds formed by the central atom. The carbon atom bonds to three hydrogen atoms (H) and one nitrogen atom (N). Each of these bonds is a single sigma bond.

3. Now, let's focus on the bond between the carbon and nitrogen atoms. It consists of a carbon-nitrogen triple bond (C≡N). A triple bond consists of one sigma bond and two pi bonds.

So, summarizing the bonding in {CH}_3{NCO}:

- The carbon atom forms 4 sigma bonds (3 with hydrogen atoms and 1 with nitrogen).
- The carbon-nitrogen bond includes 1 sigma bond and 2 pi bonds.

Therefore, the total number of sigma bonds is 4 (3 + 1) and the total number of pi bonds is 2.

In conclusion, the molecule {CH}_3{NCO} has 4 sigma bonds and 2 pi bonds.