Choose the equation of the horizontal line that passes through the point (2, 4).

That’s wrong cause I got the answer incorrect

To find the equation of a horizontal line, we need to know that a horizontal line has a constant y-coordinate value for all points on the line. Since the line passes through the point (2, 4), we know that the y-coordinate of any point on the line is 4.

Therefore, the equation of the horizontal line that passes through the point (2, 4) is y = 4.

To find the equation of a horizontal line that passes through a given point, you need to remember that a horizontal line has a constant y-coordinate for all points on that line.

Given that the line passes through the point (2, 4), the y-coordinate of the point is 4. Hence, the equation of the horizontal line can be written as y = 4.

Since the y-coordinate is constant, the equation only involves y and it does not change with respect to x.

If the line is going to be horizontal then it must cross the y - axis. To find out where it crosses, you have to look at the y-coordinate of the point (2,4). The y-coordinate is 4 so your equation for the horizontal line would be y = 4