what is the difference between intended benefits and unintended consequences?

Intended benefits are those good things that a planner expects from his/her program.

Unintended consequences are the things that unexpectedly go wrong with the program.

Intend are good things that a planner expect from his/her progam but unintended consequences unexpectedly go wrong in the program.


Intended benefits and unintended consequences are two different outcomes that result from a particular action or decision.

Intended benefits refer to the positive outcomes or advantages deliberately anticipated or desired when making a decision or carrying out an action. These benefits are intentionally sought after and are typically considered beneficial for individuals, organizations, or society as a whole. For example, if a company decides to introduce a new product into the market, their intended benefits may include increased sales, customer satisfaction, and brand recognition.

On the other hand, unintended consequences are the unexpected or unanticipated outcomes that arise as a result of an action or decision. These consequences are often unintentional and may have both positive and negative effects. While unintended consequences are not intentionally sought after, they can have a significant impact on the involved parties. For example, if a government imposes a new tax to raise revenue, unintended consequences could include job losses in certain industries or an increase in black market activities.

To differentiate between intended benefits and unintended consequences, it helps to consider the initial goals or purposes behind a decision or action. Intended benefits are the desired outcomes that align with those goals, while unintended consequences are the unforeseen outcomes that may or may not align with those goals.