5.Assuming the surface tension of water is .073 N/m, what is the force required to overcome the surface tension?

To find the force required to overcome the surface tension of water, you need to multiply the surface tension by the length of the line that is in contact with the liquid. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Identify the length of the line in question. In this case, it is not mentioned in the question, so we will assume a hypothetical length of 1 meter.

2. Multiply the surface tension by the length of the line. Using the given surface tension value of 0.073 N/m and the assumed length of 1 meter:

Force = Surface tension * Length
= 0.073 N/m * 1 m
= 0.073 N

The force required to overcome the surface tension of water is 0.073 Newtons.