What is the difference between deviance and nonconformity?

deviant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/deviant

nonconformity: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nonconformity

Let us know what you think.

They are pretty much the same. However, I think of deviance as being offensive and nonconformity as being more benign.


Ok thank you so much for the help!! This is how I described the difference between them.

Deviance-In a sociological context describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including formally-enacted rules as well as informal violations of social norms. It is the recognized violation of cultural norms. An example of deviance is facing backwards in an elevator. Nonconformity-Refusal or failure to conform to accepted standards, conventions, rules, or laws. Examples of nonconformity are negative instances of rule breaking, such as stealing from a campus bookstore, assaulting a fellow student, or driving while intoxicated.

You seem to have confused nonconformity with deviance. Please carefully study the websites we posted for you.

Deviance and nonconformity are related concepts, but they have distinct differences. Let me explain how we can differentiate between them.

Deviance refers to behavior, beliefs, or characteristics that significantly depart from the norms or expectations of a particular society or group. It involves actions that are considered unacceptable, abnormal, or inappropriate within the social context. Deviance can be both criminal and non-criminal, depending on the specific norms or values being violated.

To understand deviance, one can explore sociology or criminology resources such as textbooks, academic articles, or online platforms. These resources provide theories, case studies, and research findings that help explain why certain behaviors or characteristics are considered deviant in specific societies or cultures.

On the other hand, nonconformity is a broader term that encompasses any behavior or belief that defies social conventions or expectations. It refers to someone's deliberate choice or refusal to adhere to prevailing norms, traditions, or standards. Nonconformity can be seen as an act of resistance or independence, challenging the established norms and values of a society.

To comprehend nonconformity, one can examine social psychology or cultural studies resources. These disciplines explore the motivations and consequences of nonconformist behavior, examining factors like individual personality traits, group dynamics, social influence, and cultural dynamics.

In summary, the key distinction between deviance and nonconformity lies in their focus. Deviance specifically refers to behavior or characteristics that defy specific norms within a society, while nonconformity encompasses a broader range of behaviors that challenge prevailing expectations or conventions. Studying relevant academic disciplines can provide a deeper understanding of these concepts.