Explain to little brother or sister how neours and synapses work

Do you mean neurons?

One way, is to take the spark device spark device off the bbq pit, let brother hold the wires, and you press the button. You are the neuron, brother is holding the synapse(the device)and brother is the next neuron.

Just kidding, of course. Let bratty sister get the lesson this way.

Then, explain how the device you and sister held represents the synapse.

Sure! Neurons and synapses are part of our brain and nervous system, which help us think, feel, and move. Think of the brain as a big control center that sends messages to different parts of our body.

First, let's talk about neurons. Neurons are special cells that send and receive messages in our brain. They are like messengers that carry information between different parts of our body. They are shaped like long, thin wires.

Now, synapses are the spaces between neurons where they can pass information to each other. Imagine synapses as little gaps between two neurons, like bridges connecting them. When a message needs to be sent, it travels from one neuron, crosses the synapse, and reaches another neuron.

Here's how it works in simple steps:

1. Let's say you touch something hot. The sensory neurons in your skin send a message to your brain, saying, "Ouch! That's hot!"
2. The message travels through the sensory neurons as tiny electrical signals.
3. When the signals reach the end of the first neuron, called an axon, they need to cross the synapse to get to the next neuron.
4. To cross the synapse, the electrical signals change into special chemicals called neurotransmitters.
5. These neurotransmitters float across the synapse, like a person crossing a bridge.
6. On the other side of the synapse, there are tiny receptor sites on the second neuron waiting to receive the neurotransmitters.
7. The neurotransmitters bind to these receptor sites on the second neuron, which then sends the message further to the brain.
8. Finally, when the message reaches the brain, it interprets it and decides what action to take. In this case, it might tell your hand to move away from the hot object.

So, that's how neurons and synapses work together! They play a crucial role in sending messages throughout our body, helping us do all sorts of amazing things. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!