I have no clue how to do this...

For a science fair experiment, you decide to testa cartain type of plant to see how well it can grow when it is kept out of sunlight. For two weeks, the plant leaces stay greean then they begin to look yellow. Use the terms photosynthesis, sunshine, energy, stored food, and sugar to describ what is happening to the plant.

It is dying because there is no sunshine to allow photosynthesis to occur.

Figure out a way to use the other words.

You can't store food if you can't make food.

Sunshine (or other light source) is the energy source neeeded to make photosynthesis happen. The process creates sugar and starch from CO2 and water.

plants are producers.

never mind ignore the other comment I miss understood.

In order to understand what is happening to the plant, we need to consider the key concepts of photosynthesis, energy, stored food, and sunlight.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose (sugar). Sunlight is the primary source of energy for plants during this process. Glucose serves as stored food for plants and is vital for their growth and development.

Based on the information given, the plant is being kept out of sunlight. Without sunlight, the plant is unable to undergo photosynthesis and, as a result, cannot produce a sufficient amount of glucose. This lack of glucose affects the plant's ability to produce energy and store food adequately.

After two weeks of being kept out of sunlight, the leaves of the plant start to turn yellow. This yellowing of the leaves is typically an indication of a lack of chlorophyll, a pigment present in the cells of the plant responsible for capturing sunlight during photosynthesis. Chlorophyll gives leaves their green color, and without sunlight, chlorophyll production decreases, resulting in the leaves losing their green color.

As a consequence of limited sunlight and reduced photosynthesis, the plant's energy production and stored food (glucose) levels decline, leading to a deterioration in the health and appearance of the plant.