Use muliplying by 1 to find an expression equivalent to 10/13 with a dominator of 39a

Please kindly help. I don't understand what to do. Thanks!


To get an equivalent expression, we multiply the numerator and denominator
by the same number.

In this case, our denominator went from 13 to 39. 39 / 13 = 3. So we multiplied our denominator by 3. So, we
must multiply our numerator by 3 also.
Our equivalent fraction is 30/39. We
know this is correct, because when we
DIVIDE the numerator and denominator by 3 we get 10/13 ,our original fraction.

use multiplying by 1 to find an expression equivalent to 11/14 with a denominator of 56c the equivalent expression is

To find an expression equivalent to 10/13 with a denominator of 39a, we can multiply both the numerator and the denominator of 10/13 by a carefully chosen expression that equals 1.

In this case, we want to multiply by an expression that has a denominator of 39a. To do this, we can multiply both numerator and denominator of 10/13 by 3a. This means we are essentially multiplying 10/13 by (3a)/(3a), which is equal to 1.

So, let's multiply:

10/13 * (3a)/(3a)

To simplify this expression, we multiply the numerators (10 * 3a) and the denominators (13 * 3a):

(10 * 3a)/(13 * 3a)

This simplifies to:

30a / 39a

We can further simplify this expression by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common factor (GCF) between them, which is 3:

(30a ÷ 3) / (39a ÷ 3)

This becomes:

10a / 13a

Therefore, the expression equivalent to 10/13 with a denominator of 39a is 10a/13a.