what would be a good imagery to start of my paragraph about how downloading music is a downfall to the music industry??

i really need help...

i wouldn't like it at all...but i don't know what imagery i can use to begin my paragraph....

my teacher has been askin to use imagery in our essays and stuff like that...

but i don't seem to think of any

Sra, gave you a great suggestion... Think "pirating". What do pirates do? You can create some great imagery with that. Instead of a ship on the sea, what kind of "waves" do music piraters ride? What kind of "gold" do they take? This would be great fun to write. Let us see your finished "imagery".

ok thanks

To create a strong imagery to start your paragraph about how downloading music is a downfall to the music industry, you could consider the following approach:

Imagine a once-vibrant and bustling marketplace, filled with musicians showcasing their talents and crafting melodies that echoed through the air. The air is thick with anticipation as patrons eagerly gather around, immersing themselves in the harmonious symphony of sound. But as you step closer, you notice a dark cloud looming overhead, steadily rendering the marketplace quieter with each passing day. This cloud represents the emergence of widespread music downloads, an invisible force reshaping the landscape of the music industry.

Starting your paragraph with this imagery can vividly illustrate the downfall the music industry faces due to downloading music. It portrays the decline in the lively marketplace, emphasizing the loss of revenue and the diminishing opportunities for musicians to share their art. From here, you can proceed to delve deeper into the negative impacts and consequences of music downloading.