Are these correct?

'Write the time in sentence form in Spanish for each of the following:'

1:15- una y cuarto
4:45- Son las cinco menos cuarto
7:10- siete y diez


Es la una y cuarto.

Son las cinco menos cuartos.
Son las siete y diez.

Son las cinco menos cuarto.


Yes, you got the first and the third sentences correct. However, the second sentence is slightly incorrect.

To write 4:45 in sentence form in Spanish, you can say: "Son las cinco menos cuarto." This translates to "It's 4:45" in English, literally meaning "It's 45 minutes to five."

Here is the breakdown of the correct sentence formation:

1:15 - Una y cuarto
To write 1:15 in Spanish, you say "una y cuarto," which means "one and a quarter" in English.

4:45 - Son las cinco menos cuarto
To write 4:45 in Spanish, you say "Son las cinco menos cuarto," which translates to "It's 45 minutes to five" in English.

7:10 - Siete y diez
To write 7:10 in Spanish, you say "siete y diez," which means "seven and ten" in English.