What are the antiderivites of

x/ (x^2 (squareroot of x^4-1))


1/ (1+(x^2/4)) no idea :{

I use this page instead of looking integrals up on tables


here is the second one


To find the antiderivatives of the given functions, we can use basic integration techniques. Let's solve each problem step by step:

1. Antiderivative of x / (x^2 * sqrt(x^4 - 1)):
To begin, let's rewrite the expression as:
x / (x^2 * √(x^4 - 1)) = 1 / (x * √(x^4 - 1))

Now, let's perform a substitution:
Let u = x^2 - 1, so du = 2x dx

Substituting the values in the expression, we get:
∫(1 / (x * √(x^4 - 1))) dx = ∫(1 / (√u)) * (du / 2x)

After simplifying, we have:
(1/2) ∫(1 / (√u)) du

Using power rule for integration (where n ≠ -1):
(1/2) * (2 * √u) + C
= √u + C

Finally, substituting back u = x^4 - 1:
√(x^4 - 1) + C, where C is the constant of integration.

2. Antiderivative of 1 / (1 + (x^2 / 4)):
We can solve this problem by using a trigonometric substitution. Let's apply the substitution:
Let x = 2tanθ, so dx = 2sec^2θ dθ

Substituting the values in the expression, we get:
∫(1 / (1 + (x^2 / 4))) dx
= ∫(1 / (1 + (4tan^2θ / 4))) * (2sec^2θ) dθ
= ∫(1 / (1 + tan^2θ)) * (2sec^2θ) dθ

Since 1 + tan^2θ = sec^2θ, the expression simplifies to:
∫(1 / sec^2θ) * (2sec^2θ) dθ
= ∫2 dθ
= 2θ + C

Finally, substituting back θ = arctan(x/2):
2arctan(x/2) + C, where C is the constant of integration.

Remember to include the constant of integration, as it is required for indefinite integration.