what is a repetitious, overwritten sentence called




"verbose" would be another good word.

A repetitious, overwritten sentence is often referred to as a "wordy" sentence or "verbose" sentence. It includes unnecessary repetition or excessive words that do not contribute to the clarity or effectiveness of the sentence.

A repetitious, overwritten sentence is often called a "tautology" or "redundancy." It occurs when unnecessary or repetitive words or phrases are used, adding no value to the sentence. Let's dive into how to identify and avoid such sentences:

1. Look for repeated words or phrases: Read the sentence carefully and pay attention to words or phrases that appear more than once. Sometimes, they can be eliminated without changing the meaning of the sentence.

2. Identify unnecessary modifiers: Look for words that add no new information or simply repeat what is already known. Eliminating these modifiers can help make the sentence more concise and clear.

3. Evaluate the sentence structure: Sometimes, a sentence's structure itself can contribute to being repetitious or overwritten. If a sentence feels overly long or convoluted, consider reorganizing it to improve clarity and eliminate unnecessary repetition.

4. Simplify the sentence: Strip away any excessive or redundant words and phrases, while retaining the core meaning. Focus on conveying your message concisely and effectively. Think about whether each word or phrase is crucial to the sentence's meaning.

5. Proofread and revise: After simplifying the sentence, proofread it carefully. Read it aloud to check for any remaining repetition or redundancy. Continuous revision and refinement will help ensure that your sentences are clear, concise, and free from unnecessary repetition.

Remember, using concise and precise language not only helps to avoid repetition but also enhances the readability and impact of your writing.