how to draw a 15 cm and 9 cm perimeter

A perimeter is not type of figure. It is the distance measured around the outside of any figure. It could be a circle, triangle, square, rectangle or irregular polygon, for example.

One way to draw a figure WITH a 15 cm perimeter would be to draw an equilateral triangle with side lengths of 5 cm. There are an infinite number of other ways.

To draw a shape with a 15 cm perimeter, we need to know the shape of the object you want to draw. The perimeter is the distance around the outer edge of the shape, so we need to determine the sides of the shape to calculate the perimeter.

If you want to draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 15 cm, you need to find the length and width of the rectangle. Let's assume the length is L and the width is W.

In a rectangle, the formula for perimeter is P = 2L + 2W. Given that the perimeter is 15 cm, we can set up the equation as follows:

15 = 2L + 2W

Now, we need to find a combination of length and width that satisfies the equation. We could try different values and solve the equation, but let's use a systematic approach:

1. Start with a length of 1 cm and then calculate the corresponding width using the equation.
For example, if L = 1 cm, then 15 = 2(1) + 2W gives us W = 6.5 cm

2. Check if the combination of length and width satisfies the condition. In this example, the combination (1 cm, 6.5 cm) would not work because it does not meet the requirement for a rectangle.

3. Continue increasing the length by increments, such as 2 cm, 3 cm, and so on until you find a combination that satisfies the equation and forms a rectangle.

Repeat this process until you find a length and width combination that gives you a rectangle with a perimeter of 15 cm.

Similarly, to draw a shape with a 9 cm perimeter, you need to follow the same steps using the formula appropriate for the shape you wish to draw, such as a rectangle, square, or circle.

Remember, the given perimeter can be achieved in multiple ways, so you will have to experiment and find the specific dimensions that work for your desired shape.