Submit pseudocode and a flowchart for the following programming exercise:

Largest and Smallest

Design a program with a loop that lets the user enter a series of numbers. Theuser should enter -99 to signal the end of the series. After all the numbers have been entered, the program should display the largest and smallest numbers entered.

I'll give you a skeleton. Fill in the meat and post what you have.

int max=-99, min=-99, num;
input num
if num==-99 then exit loop endif
if max=-99 then ..... endif
if num>max then ..... endif
if num<min then ..... endif
Display max, min.

Here is the pseudocode for the program:

1. Initialize a variable smallest_num to a large value
2. Initialize a variable largest_num to a small value
3. Initialize a variable num to 0
4. Read the first number entered by the user and assign it to num
5. While num is not equal to -99, do steps 6-9
6. If num is smaller than smallest_num, assign num to smallest_num
7. If num is larger than largest_num, assign num to largest_num
8. Read the next number entered by the user and assign it to num
9. End the while loop
10. Display the largest_num and smallest_num

And here is the flowchart for the program:

├─┬─ Read num
│ └─ Is num = -99?
│ ├─ Yes ────────► END
│ └─ No ──────────► Check num
│ ├─ Is num < smallest_num?
│ │ ├─ Yes ────────► Assign num to smallest_num
│ │ └─ No
│ ├─ Is num > largest_num?
│ │ ├─ Yes ────────► Assign num to largest_num
│ │ └─ No
│ └─ Read num
└───────────────────► Restart


Sure! Here's the pseudocode and flowchart for the "Largest and Smallest" program:


1. Initialize variables: largest = smallest = None
2. Display message: "Enter a series of numbers (enter -99 to stop):"
3. Read user input into variable 'number'
4. while 'number' is not equal to -99:
a. if 'largest' is None or 'number' is greater than 'largest':
i. set 'largest' equal to 'number'
b. if 'smallest' is None or 'number' is less than 'smallest':
i. set 'smallest' equal to 'number'
c. Read next user input into variable 'number'
5. Display message: "Smallest number entered: 'smallest'"
6. Display message: "Largest number entered: 'largest'"
7. End program


| Start of program |
| Display input message |
| Read number from user input |
| Check if number is |
| -99 (end signal) |
| No |
| Check if largest is None |
| or number > largest |
| Yes |
| Set largest = number |
| Check if smallest is None |
| or number < smallest |
| Yes |
| Set smallest = number |
| Read next number from user input |
| Check if number is |
| -99 (end signal) |
| Yes |
| Display smallest |
| Display largest |
| End of program |

This pseudocode and flowchart will help you create a program that asks the user for a series of numbers, stores the largest and smallest numbers entered, and then displays them after the user enters -99 to signal the end of the series.