A company employs 4 times as many unskilled workers as it does skilled workers.

Unskilled workers earn $650 a week, and skilled workers earn $850 a week. The
weekly wage bill for these workers is $17 250. How many skilled and unskilled
workers are there?
Simultaneous equations

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To solve this problem, we can set up a system of simultaneous equations. Let's assign variables to the unknowns:

Let x be the number of skilled workers.
Let y be the number of unskilled workers.

We know that the company employs 4 times as many unskilled workers as skilled workers, so we can write the equation:

y = 4x (1)

We also know that unskilled workers earn $650 a week, skilled workers earn $850 a week, and the weekly wage bill is $17,250. We can write another equation based on this information:

650y + 850x = 17250 (2)

Now we have a system of two equations. We can solve this system by substitution or elimination to find the values of x and y.

Let's use substitution. We can substitute the value of y in equation (2) from equation (1) since we already know the relation between x and y:

650(4x) + 850x = 17250

Simplifying, we have:

2600x + 850x = 17250

Combining like terms:

3450x = 17250

Dividing both sides by 3450:

x = 5

Now we have the value of x. We can substitute this back into equation (1) to find y:

y = 4(5)

y = 20

So, there are 5 skilled workers and 20 unskilled workers in the company.